Dungeon 23: 2 Weeks Completed
I have been enjoying the Dungeon23 challenge so far, as it feels entirely manageable. Even if I miss a day, it doesn't take much extra effort to catch back up which has been great for my motivation. We shall see if my motivation and inspiration will continue to hold strong, but this is definitely a good start.
I have created an overall dungeon structure mapping how levels and sub-levels interact, but I am leaving actually drawing out the rooms until later and am purely focusing on their descriptions. To help with this, I ended up cobbling together my own version of a dungeon stocking table, using a d12:
- Monster
- Monster
- Monster & Treasure
- Monster & Treasure
- Treasure
- Special
- Trap
- Trap & Treasure
- Empty
- Empty
- Empty
- Empty
So, without any further ado, the rooms so far!
Area 1A: Mud-Filled Ruins
1/1: M
One entrance to the dungeon. A former den, relatively dry. Small roots hang from the low ceiling. Part of the rear wall has collapsed inward, revealing a space. Looking in the rubble of the wall reveals crude bricks. Currently home to 1 giant centipede.
1/2: E
A small room knee high with mud and algae that has slowly dripped down from the ceiling. There is only a single wooden door, swollen shut and half rotten. There is in fact a trap door made of stone hidden under all the mud. It is impossible to discover from this side without removing the mud currently covering it.
1/3: M&T
This room has been "fortified" to act as a base for a kobold scouting party. There are 10 kobolds (minus any slain as wandering encounters). The room is stocked with a tripwire alarm, kobold sized cover, edible moss for 1 week (10 * 7 / 2 = 35 servings), a kobold sized escape tunnel hidden behind cloth painted to look like the wall, and a rigged knife on a stick aimed at hitting someone standing in the doorway (manual trigger). The kobolds have collected a small pile of gems (7 100p Alexandrites) and coins (2000 1/10p) that they are still arguing about how to sort. The scouts have bonus morale in this room and will try to flee with their treasure if their morale breaks.
1/4: E
Empty but for knee-high mud and small mushrooms.
1/5: M
A pair of giant spiders hide in this room. One above the entrance and one hidden in the mud. A desiccated kobold lies in the center of the room as "bait". The spiders will attempt to silently take down the last person to enter the room. If no opportunity presents itself, they will remain hidden. There are no spiderwebs in the room.
1/6: Tr&T
At head height on the wall is a cubby. Opening it will release a condensed cloud of toxic spores from mushrooms growing inside. The cubby contains 400 1/10p, 40p, and the mushrooms.
1/7: E
Pools of stagnant water cover the floor. The walls contained nearly destroyed murals. All that can be made out are thunderclouds and a piece of the seal for Bolt-Wielder.
1/8: T
Half buried in the mud is a body. Incredibly preserved, except for the pieces sticking out which are skeletal. He still clutches a bag to his chest (not visible without excavation). It contains 200 1/10p, 10p, and a seal for Emperor.
1/9: M
In the side channels in set into the floor of this room are piles of mud that nearly completely fill them. They have tunnels which, while they could be small kobold tunnels, are actually the dens of 2 giant rats, one on each side of the room.
1/10: Tr&T
This room originally was lowered in the center, with steps on all sides descending. The Kobolds have constructed a platform on the steps with a pit in the center and concealed it all with mud, making the room appear flat. The pitfall in the center has been baited with 200 1/10p, 10p, and a cooked chicken leg.
Area 1B: Choked Sewers
1/11: E
Originally a crossroads of the sewers, this room is so packed full of mud and dried algae that it requires crawling for human sized characters.
1/12: M
A lone lizardfolk (Ytefas) munches on raw giant rat. She found the sinkhole entrance to this area and has been exploring. She will retreat at the first opportunity.
1/13: E
Knee deep muck covered in harmless mushrooms. Paths to and from the entrance have already been formed.
1/14: M
A pair of giant spiders hide in the muck, looking for isolated or unobserved targets.
1/15: T
Within the clear pools of water in this room lie 300 1/10p, 60p, and cleanly picked bones from a variety of creatures from the delta.
The Dungeon So Far
As I have gone through the design of the dungeon, it has started taking shape. For example, the Kobolds in area 1A are from the den area in the currently unseen area 1C. However, there are other things which need some work.
For example, I am not super happy with the monsters I have been using. I have been making use of the OED monster tables, but want some more variety.
Further, I haven't actually decided what the currency situation is going to look like in this dungeon, which is why the current denominations are the p and the 1/10p which are probably just gold and silver, though maybe not.
Still, I am pretty satisfied with what has been found so far and I have a lot of rooms left to go to add some more fun stuff. The Kobold den will be especially fun I imagine.
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