Cool Location: The Hissing Delta

    I have been plugging away in preparation for Dungeon23, and come up with a pretty cool location for the megadungeon. The location has enough going for it that I think it could be used on its own, but I probably won't be fleshing it out much more until the dungeon comes together more. Enjoy!

The Hissing Delta

    Originally expanded (created actually, but people don't remember that) as part of a "royal conservation" effort, this delta is now filled with a wide variety of rare plants and fauna not normally found elsewhere. It is dangerous, but the possibility of rare finds always brings people to explore the waters.

    The delta is overseen by the College of Wings, which has existed in its current location (or there-about) since before the delta was formed. Legally and practically, the college has near total control of the delta but this is tempered by the college's historic faction struggles and regular coups. This has in fact caused much of the college's early history to be lost. For example, though it is generally accepted that the college was founded by "the lady" (a cowled woman with statues all over the college) and in fact was even once known as The College of The Lady, it has been lost that the lady was a goddess of magic and the college originally a temple. References to her will be found in the megadungeon below the delta, along with the rest of the pantheon she is a part of.

    A strange feature of the delta are "naturally" occuring circle patterns, both on a large scale and in circular pits that descend deep below the ground level. All divers of these pits have perished, so where they lead is a mystery. However, a recent drought seems to be dropping the water levels of some of these pits which has led to renewed calls for investigation in the college, preferably headed by an unpopular professor/wizard who won't be missed.


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