
Showing posts from May, 2022

A System of Anti-Magic

     Sorry for the long delay between posts. Things have been hectic and I have run out of steam a bit after working on the Gygax 75 Challenge. I have one post I am working on, but it is a bit complex and taking some time to work through. In the meantime, here is a recent idea that I had about making magic work in your games.       For setting reasons beyond description here, the techniques to counter magic are common knowledge. Therefore, anyone, on seeing someone attempting to work magic can attempt to counter it as a reaction (or interrupt or something that somewhat limits this).      For "normal folk", they can declare one of three things: the name of the spell, what the spell will do, or the school of the spell. Correctly naming the spell or what it will do automatically cancels it. Correctly naming the school allows them to make an Arcana test to counter the magic. Getting close enough on the name or school will also allow for this...