
Showing posts from February, 2021

A Retrospective on my Dishonored (2d20) System Campaign

       Well, looks like it has been a bit since I last posted. My schedule is a bit fuller than I had previously anticipated, but I am still unsure if it is because it is so busy or if it is because I have lately been making a strong commitment to staying on top of everything.     Anyway, a retrospective on my most recent little campaign which ended Tuesday! A Brief Overview     I only somewhat recently discovered that the Dishonored series has its own tabletop RPG. I got a digital copy of the book and read through it, discovering that it runs on what is known as the 2d20 system. The core mechanic is that characters (Players and NPCs) both roll 2d20s (or more) and try to roll at or below their target number. Nat 1s are critical successes and count double. The goal is to get a certain number of successes, set by the DM.  Target numbers are created by combining an Action (ie. Fight or Move) and a Style (ie. Forcefully or Quietly). Each of ...